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The Boy Scouts of America Troop 304 is charted by the Armed Services YMCA AMR, and meets on Fridays from 7:00 to 8:00 PM at the AS YMCA AMR building, 1875 Aliamanu Drive in the AMR. We serve the Red Hill/Salt Lake/AMR/Tripler/Moanalua area. The boys are between the ages of 11 and 17 years old.

Our activities include camping, hiking and development of many Life Skills through a boy led, adult supervised program. If you are interested in joining Troop 304, email the Scoutmaster, Ian Freeman at (808) 433-3555 or just come and visit us next Friday.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008



Troop 304 ventured again to it's dependable wilderness getaway site, and incorporated a 10 mile hike up the Aiea Ridge parallelling the H3 to the Tunnels.  This was the largest Troop turnout in several years.  A fantastic time was had by all, please see our photo album of this event.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

On 5 July, two Scouts and two Adults from Troop 304 traveled to Maui via the Superferry, then rucksac marched approximately 12 miles to an overnight campsite near Camp Maluhia. The following morning, we took another 10 mile hike up into the Waihe'e valley and enjoyed the cool water of Spreckle's ditch. Following an enjoyable and fulfilling week at Scout Camp, hosted by BSA Troop 49 of Maui County Council, we returned to Oahu via the Superferry, and then spent another week of Scout Camp at Pupukea on the North Shore of Oahu. A full and sufficient Scouting adventure was experienced by both Scouts. Sadly, all other members of our Troop had either summer school classes, or band camp which precluded wider participation in the summer camp experience.
On Memorial Day, 2008, members of Troop 304 participated in the "Good turn day" by planting flags, leis and flowers on the graves of Veterans in Punchbowl Memorial Cemetary of the Pacific. This solemn ceremony served as a reminder of those who have given their lives in defense of our freedom.

Monday, June 30, 2008

On 23 June 2008, we had our first Court of Honor in almost a year. Despite threatening skys, the weather held out for us and we completed this activity. Many Scouts were recognized for numerous accomplishments such as rank advancements and Merit Badge Awards. The Troop is actively working on several challenging Merit Badges, will be completing Summer Camp, and we will have another Court of Honor in the September timeframe. Presentation of awards was followed by snacks.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Our last overnight camping event had been 6 months ago, so we went to Camp Smith for a weekend camping adventure. It rained just enough to remind us that we were having a great time, we had tons of food and Christopher Swider was our cook this weekend. We had a lot of fun with campfires, cooking, a small exploratory hike, Scouting classes covering the basics, and enough advancement action to satisfy everyone.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Troop convoyed out to Makua beach park/Yokohama bay for a Kaena Point map and compass hike of 10 miles. The weather was nice and cool as we started at 0800, but turned cooler especially with a persistent driving rain. We learned how to orient a map by terrain features and by compass, and hiked the same area we had overflown on our Young Eagles flight from 2 previous Saturdays. We had lunch at Kaena point prior to hiking back to the cars. There were numerous whales just offshore which we watched spout and surface--a few fin flaps but no flukes or breaches. We also saw 2 Monk seals on the beach at the point, and early nesting Albatrosses. We could not tell if they were hatching eggs yet, but saw no Wedge tailed Shearwaters in their nesting burrows, likely it is still too early for that.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Troop 304 journeyed to the Dillingham Airfield near Waialua for a Young Eagles flying adventure sponsored by the EAA with Air Force COL(ret) William Schauer and Army COL(ret) Jim Blewster. Our Troop was given information on flight dynamics followed by individual orientation flights in the aircraft hand-built by COL Blewster. Our Scouts overflew Dillingham airfield, Kaena Point and the Waianae Coast Range. Several Scouts were fortunate to be able to see some whales in the ocean on their flight. All Scouts thoroughly enjoyed the aviation experience and are very grateful to COL Schauer and COL Blewster for their time and volunteer efforts in this unique program. Review the photos of our adventure in our photo album section in the "pictures" link.

Jokes From